
Now a days as population is increasing the production of milk is not proper reaching to the number of people. We know that the milk is a basic feed of the new baby born. Even after a six month a baby need to have milk of cow. The need of milk is increasing that is why the fraud people are now doing fraud with milk and for earning more income they even play with the life of innocent people. Some time they mixed water into milk. Water mixing technique is old because with this the milk become thin so people ignore to buy this kind of milk. The milk saler have create new idea now they are mixing detergent into milk many time they have caught but after releasing they start it again. They don't think that with this kind of milk baby even a young man old man children may victim of serious diseases. They just focus on their profit.

So I am going to give you the best idea. This is very beneficial idea and you will like it. First is that you should live stock breeding at your home.If you are a citizen and you can't do this then with every city small town are villages are attached just after some KM you should visit to your nearest village and find the honest person who have animals and does not make fraud with the milk. You daily just at morning go out for a walk to that village and buy a fresh milk.

For a villagers people this is the best idea now to earn a best income. you can just start your this business with the zero investment. As you know that the demand of the milk is increasing then you should also start to increase your animals at home. Usually villagers people breed their animals and to the reaching age they sale their animals for get a money to manage other expenditures. But this income they got after a six month or after a year. Now time has came to earn the income daily. Yes you just have one are tow cows and for breeding take your cows out for whole the day and then at evening came in your cows at your home. In this way you will not make any expense like gross Wanda or other product to give the cows. Cows give milk tow time a day. You just collect the milk from the cows and then sale out. Usually a single cow gives 10 KG milk at a single time. It mean from a single cow you can get 20 Kg from the single cow. Now you have a tow cows and the milk production is 40 Kg. The best thing is that you just sale out 35 Kg to the market and save 5 Kg for your home uses. Now you will be wonder that the how much income you can earn in the single day. Even a good scale officer can never earn. One Kg Price is 1.20 $ in the market so just think 35 kg mean you can earn approximately 40 $ just in the single day.

For getting more ideas about dairy form. You can contact with me any time. By watching the above video you just imagine that this kind of dairy farm you can also start at your home. I hope that you will like my videos my ideas and if you like then share this video with your friends social media button for sharing are give below the post. Comment here and give me your feed back. I hope that that if you will start this business then you will earn super duper income. 


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